Three months since the Aluthgama attack, there is limited information in the public domain on action taken to bring perpetrators to account. That there is still is no justice for the victims of religious violence in Aluthgama and elsewhere in Sri Lanka, illustrates the sheer impunity with which perpertrators of such violence operate and the GoSL’s unwillingness and/or inability to end to widespread religious violence in post-war Sri Lanka. via
This study is based on the case of Sri Lanka’s conflict history, situated with regard to the 2019 Ea...
This is the second in a series of infographics that have been designed using the latest findings fro...
Following the military defeat of LTTE terrorism in May 2009, the relationship between ethnic and rel...
Three months since the Aluthgama attack, there is limited information in the public domain on action...
8th March 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka: While the post-war context offered an opportunity for consolidat...
Four of Sri Lanka's most senior hardline Buddhist monks appeared in court Monday accused of insultin...
Leading up to the February meeting were attacks on Islamic seminaries and mosques in the Sinhala-maj...
6th August 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) notes with the greates...
Sri Lankan military forces and government authorities have succeeded to counter measure terrorism by...
More than a month after the events in Aluthgama, many questions remain in terms of justice and accou...
Prior to the conclusion of 30 years of civil war, many ordinary Sri Lankans were caught in bombings ...
In two days of rioting and looting four people have been killed, including a Tamil security guard, a...
In some of the worst religious violence in Sri Lanka in decades, three people have been killed and 7...
Developments unfolding in Sri Lanka over the last few weeks look ominously similar to those in 2013-...
This paper aims to examine the overall impact of anti-halal and anti-slaughtering campaigns in the c...
This study is based on the case of Sri Lanka’s conflict history, situated with regard to the 2019 Ea...
This is the second in a series of infographics that have been designed using the latest findings fro...
Following the military defeat of LTTE terrorism in May 2009, the relationship between ethnic and rel...
Three months since the Aluthgama attack, there is limited information in the public domain on action...
8th March 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka: While the post-war context offered an opportunity for consolidat...
Four of Sri Lanka's most senior hardline Buddhist monks appeared in court Monday accused of insultin...
Leading up to the February meeting were attacks on Islamic seminaries and mosques in the Sinhala-maj...
6th August 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) notes with the greates...
Sri Lankan military forces and government authorities have succeeded to counter measure terrorism by...
More than a month after the events in Aluthgama, many questions remain in terms of justice and accou...
Prior to the conclusion of 30 years of civil war, many ordinary Sri Lankans were caught in bombings ...
In two days of rioting and looting four people have been killed, including a Tamil security guard, a...
In some of the worst religious violence in Sri Lanka in decades, three people have been killed and 7...
Developments unfolding in Sri Lanka over the last few weeks look ominously similar to those in 2013-...
This paper aims to examine the overall impact of anti-halal and anti-slaughtering campaigns in the c...
This study is based on the case of Sri Lanka’s conflict history, situated with regard to the 2019 Ea...
This is the second in a series of infographics that have been designed using the latest findings fro...
Following the military defeat of LTTE terrorism in May 2009, the relationship between ethnic and rel...